Turmeric Ginger Lemonade Tonic


All it takes is a quick google search to find out the many health benefits of turmeric. From its anti-inflammatory effects to the ability to support your liver, it is truly a superfood. That combined with the digestive benefits of ginger and lemon as well as the antibacterial effects of raw honey and we have a winner here!  That’s why I like to call this drink a tonic.

Definition of a Tonic (n)

  1. Something that lifts spirits: something that lifts the spirits or makes somebody feel better generally

  2. Medicine producing a sense of well-being: a medicine that purports to make patients feel stronger, more energetic, and generally healthier

This is a great drink to start your day or as a pick-me-up in the afternoon. It's really refreshing and perfect for hot summer days. I like juicing enough ginger for a few days to make this easier to make on the fly. As with all my recipes, customize it to your taste preferences. I like mine really lemony and I also like the kick from the ginger so I add more of these for an intense flavor. Whenever or however you make it, enjoy!


  • 2 tsp organic ginger juice

  • juice from half an organic lemon

  • ¼ tsp organic turmeric or 30 - 40 drops organic liquid turmeric (I use the one by Herb Pharm)

  • 1 tablespoon raw honey (or to your taste)

  • 12 ounces filtered water


  • Mix ginger, lemon, turmeric, and honey together until honey dissolves (the acid in the lemon helps break it down and dissolve. I like to give it a good stir to help it along).

  • Add water.

  • Serve iced or warm (if serving warm, make sure water is not too hot to destroy the benefits of the raw honey).

Don't have a juicer, you can also make a ginger "tea" by adding a 2-3 inch piece of organic ginger, chopped, to about a quart of water. Bring to a boil and then simmer for about 20-30 minutes. It should be nice and strong. You can store this in your fridge and substitute for the ginger juice. It also makes a nice beverage all by itself.

Cristina Robinson (The Lovely Geek)

The Lovely Geek is a one-woman web design studio based in Sacramento, California. I'm a web design expert, a nerd when it comes to WordPress, and passionate about user experience!


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