Chicken Liver Pate


I grew up LOVING chicken liver pate. Ok, it was actually chopped liver, but the point is that I grew up eating and loving it. Somewhere between then and now I lost my taste for it. Having veered off the nutrient-dense path, becoming a carb-loving vegetarian, fatphobic low fat “health-conscious” eater and have since been working my way back to health, I have had to retrain myself to love it again and this is the recipe that helped me do just that.

We live in a culture that has not only lost its way with these nutrient-dense, traditional foods that used to be served weekly but has made them seem foreign and easy to avoid. So, while liver and other organ meats may seem a bit scary, gross, and require some getting used to, they are some of the most nutrient-dense foods we can eat as the nutrients happen to be in a highly absorbable form (bio-available).  In other words, we are able to access the nutrients in these foods much easier! 

People sometimes get concerned about consuming liver. They mistakenly think that because the liver is the filter of toxins from the body, that it is a toxic food to consume. Sally Fallon in Nourishing Traditions says that “For this reason, it is best to buy organic liver… Even though organic liver may contain some toxic substances, its nutritive value outweighs the danger of any toxins it contains. Not only does liver provide copper, zinc, iron, and vitamins A and D in abundance, but it is also a rich source of antioxidants – substances that help your own liver remove toxic substances from the body.”

So, I encourage you to be brave and give it a go! The slow-cooked onions give the liver a delicious and satisfying sweetness that is pleasing to the palate. And if you have young ones at home, do them a favor and give them the gift of developing a taste for these nourishing foods from the get go. 


  • 3 tablespoons (+ more if needed) ghee, lard, chicken or duck fat

  • ¾ pound organic, pastured chicken livers

  • 1 large or 2 medium yellow onions, sliced thin

  • sea salt to taste

  • homemade chicken broth (optional)

  • ¼ - ½ stick butter


  1. Melt fat in a heavy skillet on medium heat.

  2. Add onions with a generous pinch of salt.

  3. Stir occasionally, for about 10 minutes. You want them to cook slowly and get really soft. If your pan gets dry you can add more fat or a tablespoon or two homemade broth if you have any on hand and continue the process.

  4. When they are nice and soft, add the chicken livers (you want your skillet to have plenty of moisture), cover, and continue to cook until the livers are cooked through (7-10 minutes).

  5. Let cool. Process in a food processor (including any juices left in the pan), adding more butter/ghee to make silky smooth and rich.

  6. Season to taste. Chill well and serve with cut vegetables (I love with carrot sticks) or naturally fermented sourdough bread.

Cristina Robinson (The Lovely Geek)

The Lovely Geek is a one-woman web design studio based in Sacramento, California. I'm a web design expert, a nerd when it comes to WordPress, and passionate about user experience!

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