The 80/20 Rule


Health is definitely a journey. As our bodies are always changing, it is a constant process of tuning in and learning to pay attention to our body’s cues and adjust accordingly. I have to admit, it can get a bit frustrating. Just when you think you’ve figured out your center, it changes. It reminds me of the early months of raising my son, just when I felt I had figured out a routine that made him happy, it would change.

I am a big believer in the 80/20 rule (or 90/10 depending on your needs). This is an approach to eating where one follows a particular bio-individual diet that is right for them 80% of the time and then 20% of the time allows themselves to loosen the reigns a bit. The beauty of this idea is twofold. First, it helps with feelings of deprivation and can make social situations easier and more enjoyable. It allows you to strike a nice balance in life. Second, you never steer too far off course that it becomes overwhelming to get back to center. The other thing that tends to happen after transitioning to a nutrient-dense diet is that you find many of the foods you may have been attached to lose their draw. By resetting your senses, you actually crave new and healthier foods.

But how do you figure out what that 80% should be? Now, this is a big part of the journey. Just when you think you’ve figured it out your body goes through a shift and what once may have worked for you no longer feeds you. A great place to start for many of us is a 3-week blood sugar control diet or a real food cleanse. This helps reset your metabolism, gets you back to center, and helps uncover foods that you may be sensitive to.

I invite you to start tuning into your body’s innate intelligence by slowing down around meals and paying attention to what your body tells you after you eat. Are you bloated, gassy, and tired or do you feel nourished and energized? Do you feel satisfied or do you crave something sweet right away? These clues are the way your body is communicating with you. What is your body telling you?

If you’d like help finding your way back to center and where your 80% lies, contact me for a complimentary discovery call and see if Nutritional Therapy is right for you.

Cristina Robinson (The Lovely Geek)

The Lovely Geek is a one-woman web design studio based in Sacramento, California. I'm a web design expert, a nerd when it comes to WordPress, and passionate about user experience!

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