Cleansing Pesto with Cilantro, Parsley, Lemon & Garlic


I love this pesto. First, it is super simple to make and my son LOVES it! This is a particularly excellent bonus as it is packed with flavor and some serious nutrition. I’ve added fermented lemon which gives it a probiotic boost and I’ve removed the nuts and cheese often found in pesto (which actually makes this a pistou but who knows what that means!). By removing the nuts and cheese, this recipe is an allergen-free version and super versatile. I like to use it as a condiment on meats, vegetables, and eggs. It’s also such an easy way to get an added boost of greens into your diet. This is definitely a go-to recipe when I’m running short on time and maybe haven’t prepared enough vegetables to balance my meal.

These five simple ingredients are packed with nutrients. I want to break it down for you and hopefully inspire you to add this to your repertoire.

Both parsley and cilantro/coriander are rich in the following antioxidant vitamins (these are the vitamins that protect our cells from free radical damage and oxidative stress):

  • Vitamin C, for immune and adrenal health

  • Vitamin A, for immune, skin, eye, and bone health

  • Vitamin K (for bone health and prevents calcium build up in our tissue)

Parsley contains many of our B vitamins which support our metabolism and our nervous system. They are also high in the important minerals potassium, magnesium, calcium and iron.

Lemons, especially the zest of the lemon, is your liver’s good friend! The limonene in the peel helps stimulate and support both phases of liver detoxification. In today’s ever toxic world, most of us can use all the help we can get here as our livers are one seriously overtaxed organ.  

Garlic is known for many health benefits so I’m just going to name a few. It has antibacterial and anti-fungal properties. This means it’s great for gut health as it helps kill off bad bacteria and yeasts (but doesn’t kill off the good guys) and is an important addition to anti-candida protocol. As with parsley and cilantro, garlic is also known for its antioxidant properties as well. It’s a great immune system booster too as it has antiviral properties.


  • ½ bunch organic Italian flat-leaf parsley, stems removed

  • ½ bunch organic cilantro

  • 1 - 2 cloves garlic, minced

  • ¾ - 1 cup organic extra virgin olive oil

  • juice from ½ lemon with the zest if it’s an organic lemon

  • sea salt to taste


  1. Wash and dry the greens.

  2. Add all the ingredients into a food processor (I find that when I mince my garlic prior to putting it into my food processor it integrates into the pesto more thoroughly).

  3. Add more salt, olive oil or lemon to adjust flavor and texture to your liking.

  4. Store in a covered glass jar in the refrigerator and enjoy.

Recipe Notes

  • This recipe is also wonderful made with basil when it’s in season.

  • For a more creamy texture, you can add in ¼ cup of pine nuts, walnuts, pumpkin seeds or sunflower seeds.

Cristina Robinson (The Lovely Geek)

The Lovely Geek is a one-woman web design studio based in Sacramento, California. I'm a web design expert, a nerd when it comes to WordPress, and passionate about user experience!

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