Chicken Soup²


I gave this soup its name because it consists of broth cooked twice for a depth of flavor and color that would make any Bubby proud! I use the broth and chicken from my basic meat stock recipe (I wrote about in an earlier blog if you need the recipe), add it to fresh carrot, celery, and onions that I puree in the food processor and saute in lots of grass-fed ghee to get a gorgeous bright orange color and flavor. If you have stock on hand and no chicken you can use a store-bought roasted chicken instead for an easy meal in a pinch. Try it once, you’ll love it forever, and at first signs of a cold, you'll be happy you have this in your repertoire!


  • Ghee, lard, or chicken fat

  • 2 quarts homemade chicken stock

  • 1 medium yellow onion

  • 2 carrots

  • 2 - 3 stalks celery

  • 3 sprigs parsley (optional)

  • 2 cloves garlic, minced (optional)

  • ½ - whole cooked chicken from meat stock or store-bought roasted chicken

  • sea salt and pepper to taste


  1. Rough chop the onion, celery, and carrot. Put in a food processor and process until pureed.

  2. Meanwhile, have your ghee heating up in a soup pot. Add pureed vegetables, season with salt and pepper.

  3. Keep sauteing until all the liquid has absorbed. I like to continue to add some broth (just enough to cover and prevent sticking) and cook until this liquid absorbs as well. The longer you do this the less raw onion taste is left and the softer and deeper the flavor. You are by no means browning the vegetables though.

  4. Chop up your chicken and add your broth and let the flavors marry for about 15 - 20 minutes on a low simmer.

  5. If you’re adding garlic add it now and cook for a couple more minutes.

  6. Turn off the heat and add the parsley. Let sit for a few minutes or chop it up and serve as a garnish. Enjoy!

Cristina Robinson (The Lovely Geek)

The Lovely Geek is a one-woman web design studio based in Sacramento, California. I'm a web design expert, a nerd when it comes to WordPress, and passionate about user experience!

Chicken Liver Pate


Green Soup