Navigating Transitions

It's June…. JUNE.

I can’t believe my son's 9th grade year is in the books and summer is here! His excitement has been palpable and he has two proud parents who are pretty excited too.

That being said, summer time is another one of those transition times that can be a bit tricky for some of us, especially for us sensitive people.

We live across the street from a small K-8 school and this morning I could hear the cheers of other proud parents at their 8th graders graduation ceremony. I'm a sucker for a ceremony and had to hold back tears.

As a highly sensitive person, it's not uncommon for me to feel some pangs of grief during times of transition.

Where has the time gone?

Can we pause the clock for just a minute?

The uncertainly and lack of control I feel don't come easily for me.

This is mixed with feelings of joy, excitement about what's to come and deep gratitude for the riches I have.

I feel it all.

And sometimes it feels uncomfortable.

I know that I’m not alone and that navigating transitions can me complex.

One of the things my clients often report is that in these times of transition, whether it be a life transition, the transition from one season to another or just the transition in the day from work to home, they often look to treat themselves as a way to de-stress or stuff down the uncomfortable emotions they may be feeling.

Transitions can be tricky.

And when it comes to nutrition, these are often times when you the wheels can easily come off the bus and emotional eating can take over.

And while there's nothing wrong with some emotional eating, it can become an obstacle to your health goals and feeling good in your body when when you do it daily.

Something I and many of my clients find helpful during these transition times is bringing in little things that bring you joy. Things that help elevate the mundane, brighten your mood and anchor you so you don’t want to stuff down feelings with food.

 So in this spirit, I'd love to share two categories of things in the physical realm that help me create little moments in my day that make me happy, satisfied and feel taken care of.

These simple little things help me feel good, keep me on track with my health and healing and keeping me going strong. 

 I like to think of these as cheap thrills!


Who doesn't love a good bev?

Just make sure they are working for you and not against you - as in loaded with sugar, caffeine and empty calories.

Here are some ways I up my beverage game to the next level…

  • I make it pretty with color (if it's pink I’m a happy camper). Hibiscus, rose hips, cherries, strawberries or raspberries do the trick. I’m telling you, it’s important to feed all your senses. Especially when you’re needing a little lift.

  • Round Ice Cube Trays -  I bought these last year and I still get excited everytime I reach for a cube. There’s something seriously special about the right sized sphere ice cube. LOVE these… Trust me on this one!

  • Make it to go: These are great drinking glasses with bamboo lids + glass straw. For that afternoon errand or drop off/pick up that starts to feel tedious and like you want to collapse… these will make you feel treated to something special. It's good for the environment and your wallet.

  • Glass Straws: seriously if you haven’t tried one… treat yourself. Any chance to use a straw makes your drink feel like a  special treat.

  • Add electrolytes! This recipe is one I LOVE. It's great post workout, as a late afternoon pick me up, after a sauna. 
    - 4 strawberries (you can swap with other berries or cherries)
    - Juice of a lemon, lime or grapefruit (or you can mix it up)
    - 1 Tablespoon raw honey or Monkfruit granules
    - 1 packet unflavored LMNT or ½ teaspoon of sea salt
    - 32 ounces of filtered water

Place strawberries, citrus juice and honey in your blender until the honey is dissolved and the strawberries are pulverized. Pour into a quart sized glass jar. Add one packet of LMNT or sea salt.

 If you’re looking for an electrolyte mix, I LOVE LMNT’s clean electrolyte formulas.

Grapefruit and the Unflavored Salt are my favorites. Use this link to get a FREE sample pack with your purchase and you can try all 8 flavors.



  • Another little thing I love is always having fresh cut flowers or herbs on the window sill in front of my kitchen sink. I’m not talking about a fancy bouquet or anything like that. I'm talking keeping it simple. I like to pick something from the yard or on my morning walk with the dog (for clarity, I am not picking anyone’s prized roses). I have several bud vases that I love… a mix of vintage glass and this one from Heath Ceramics. I put a few tea roses, camellias or sprigs of rosemary. Not only does this feed my sense of smell and sight, it helps take the drudgery out of doing the dishes!

  • This little bit of nature for me to take in when I have to clean up makes me feel taken care of while I’m doing the mundane.

One of the things I work on with every client in the End Eating Overwhelm or Foundational Wellness Program, is to help them come up with a sustainable way of eating so they can stick with it. I help them come up with a plan that is right for them taking into account where they are and their health goals.

While this looks different for each client, there are many principals that apply to all of us. Creating little moments to help get through daily transitions is one of these principals that can be a game changer when it comes to sustainability and consistency.

If you struggle with “sticking with it”, I can help you.

Click Here to schedule a free 30 minute discovery call and we can explore a plan that works for you. 


Berry Cobbler


Liver Lovin’ Artichoke +TonicWater