Enjoying the Holiday Season
Being committed to healthy living can become a bit bumpy this time of year. When it comes to food and lifestyle choices, how to strike a balance between discipline and feeling like "Debbie Downer" can be tricky.
We face unique challenges during the holidays… preparation, shopping, family, travel, long lines, holiday parties, changes in schedule and often extra time off, lots of different foods presenting themselves, sensory overload and being marketed to an an increased pace …it can lead to feelings of overwhelm, FOMO (fear of missing out) and even fatigue.
And while I love this time of year, it can be a lot to navigate and our nervous system can easily take a hit if we don’t tend to it. When we lack the resilience to handle these situations, it can take a lot of joy out of the season.
What I love about this list below is that it's filled with simple and easy to implement actions. Many are just reminders and you're likely already doing some of them already!
Support a Healthy Sleep Cycle: Get plenty of rest on a consistent basis. This includes a consistent bed time and rise time. Circadian Getting outside and exposing your eyes to daylight within an hour of waking supports Circadian Rhythm (the body's natural sleep/wake cycle).
Exercise Smart: What does that mean? It means choosing the right type of exercise to support your body. Don’t over do it. Too much exercise can cause stress. You should feel energized not exhausted from your workout. There’s nothing wrong with a good walk.
Enjoy Yourself! If you find yourself overindulging during the holidays it's so important to enjoy every bite... no guilt or shame necessary. When you enjoy your body is relaxed. If you engage in a shame spiral, you put yourself into a state of stress and this is where the damage happens.
Don’t Overdo It: Spread out your tasks so you prevent overwhelm. Ask yourself what you can do to prevent yourself from getting frazzled? Delegate when you can. Ask for help and say “no” when you need to.
Breath Work: can do wonders. It’s amazing how quickly we can switch our body from a state of stress to a state of calm with our breath. I personally love 4-7-8 breathing. This involves inhaling through the nose for a count of four, holding for a count of seven, exhaling through the nose for a count of 8.
Drink Tulsi Tea: (also known as holy basil): Tulsi tea reduces the stress response and produces feelings of calm energy (this can actually help with weight loss… need I say more!), it promotes blood sugar balance and it has digestive benefits.
Essential Oils: use a diffuser or a naturally scented beeswax candle (I love Big Dipper Wax Works). Lavender is widely known for improving mood and diffusing stress. If you don't like lavender, try rose, ylang ylang, chamomile or frankincense - all have stress reducing properties.
Bathe with Epsom Salts: Epsom salt is rich in magnesium which helps relax your body and soothes pain. It’s a great strategy to replenish magnesium stores which are easily depleted with excess stress and sugar intake. A hot Epsom salt bath also helps improve sleep so this step is a twofer!
Eat for Balanced Blood Sugar: you may notice that I repeatedly come back to this point. It's SO important. It's a foundation for well being. Mood and energy follow blood sugar. Fat, fiber and protein with every meal people! This will help calm anxiety and allow you to make empowered food choices.
Daily Gratitude: It's an especially important time of year to remember all you have to be grateful for. It's easy to get swept up in the over-consumerism, pressure to purchase and feelings of wanting and the best antidote to this is gratitude. So don't let the business of the season get in the way of all the simple things in your life you have to be grateful for. And the beauty, is your nervous system will thank you.
This list is not to overwhelm but to give you simple and actionable steps you can easily start today. By tending to your nervous system you are create the space to enjoy yourself and make choices that feel good.
So pick 1 or 2 from items that resonate with you. You can think of them like your invisible friend that takes care of you through the holiday season (and beyond).
How are you feeling about the holidays this year?
If you’re wanting nutrition + lifestyle guidance and support in the coming year, click here to schedule a free 30 minute discovery call with me.